Who suffers most from the lock down of America?

The most common hashtag mantra regarding the Covid-19 outbreak is that “we are all in it together.”  But is that true?

Different people seem to have different opinions as to whether we have gone too far in shutting down America.  There are those who seem to believe that the self-imposed collapse of the American economy – and with it, one of the highest standards of living in the world – is worth it … necessary.  Others believe that we have overreached, and that this shutdown is as politically driven as it is medically necessary.

On the far left – represented by the current Democratic Party and its elitist media – are those who see the Covid-19 as an opportunity to move the nation further to the left.  They are promoting the idea that the national government in Washington must seize power – nationalize the private sector and take over the primary role of states and municipalities in handling public health issues.

Those folks want more than temporary help from Washington.  They want a dramatic increase in the power of the federal government – and by extension an elite ruling-class composed of authoritarian officials and an oppressive bureaucracy.  It is the very enemy of individual freedom that the founders feared most – an all-powerful central government.

Vermont’s socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has seized on the Covid-19 virus to resurrect his Medicare-for-all proposal that would wipe out every private healthcare plan in the nation.  House Democrats – led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are attempting to pepper the relief and stimulus bills with provisions that would change the nature of our elections, change campaign finance laws and create mandatory unionization.

In addition to the political calls, there are others who seem to believe that no economic hardship is too great if it can save even a single life.  Their opinions are seen — and their voice heard — across the media – mostly in the more liberal publications and networks.

But if you examine them closely, you will discover that the very people calling for Draconian economic sacrifices are not among those making them.  They are largely untouched by the havoc they wreak.  All those politicians you see on television are still being paid – as are all those million-dollar-salary media personalities who interview them.  The reporters and columnists are also on the clock, as they say.

Government workers at the federal, state and local levels are all being paid even if they are not working – teachers, for example, and all those people who are not at those closed government offices.  Union officials and salaried corporate executives are not missing a paycheck.  Workers in the retail food industry are on the job.  Utility workers – phone, electricity and gas – are working.

Obviously, police, paramedics and medical workers must be on the payroll – and while their sacrifice is not economic, they are in danger more than most.

Some industries have cut back but have still maintained a level of personnel – such as the airlines, bus companies, and some retail establishments.  My local Home Depot is still open.

Folks who receive Social Security – like me – are still getting our checks every month.   Welfare assistance goes forth unabated.

My point is simple.  It is easy to support the policy of economic shutdown if your personal economy is not being shut down.  Cable news is filled with anecdotal human-interest stories of people fearing the impact of the Covid-19 on them or loved ones.  We see repeated pleas for more protective gear for our medical heroes – and they are heroes.

But we see very little human interest in the press for that family of four without a bank account and now without a paycheck.  Oh yeah … they speak of them statistically and in the abstract, but do not plumb the depts of the personal anxieties and despair.

Maybe if more people were being hit by the economic crisis, they would not be so sure that closing down the nation was the best idea.

So, there ‘tis.

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6 Thoughts to “Who suffers most from the lock down of America?”

  1. rick

    we are not all in this together. Americans mostly are, the president and his team certainly are, most states certainly are, but it is the major role players of the Democratic party and some of their minor cohorts that are not in this with us. They are doing what they do best, undermining the president and his team, Monday morning quarterbacking everything they do, lying, making false claims with are supported by the fake news of CNN and others, and of course promoting their own political agendas (to win in November and to take back the Senate), none of which is about the American people in a time of crisis. Not matter what the president and his team do, the Dems say it is wrong, bad, or other criticism. Yet they have nothing to offer. They are anti-American scammers looking for reelection and that is all. That is why they support any and all groups, people, organizations, and media that are anti-Trump. They will tie themselves in with any group, no matter how bad they are or how dangerous, just to all be part of the same movement.
    I can only imagine what their reaction would have been if this had been during Obama’s time as president and the republicans did to him what they do to Trump> They would have not stood for it. But then again, we all know, at least those that are intelligent enough to not believe CNN and other fake media reports, that this is what they live on, double standards. Hillary was a crook and scammer, and liar and yet they stood by her because she was their chance to gain power and use it to continue to abuse the common citizen.

  2. Stan

    It would be interesting to see the response of Congress if while we’re in this shutdown mode, they went without pay. The democrats are in full power grab mode and regardless of what Pres. Trump does, they will crucify him for his decision, as will their minions in the media. Pres. Trump is doing a great job charting a course that has never before been charted and leading where no one has led before. Sure some mistakes will be made because no one is perfect but thank God we have a President who actually knows how to lead and help us through this crisis. I too believe much of the crisis is media driven.

  3. Buddy

    Democrats are the virus.

  4. Sid

    This Election Will Be Americans against Anti- Americans. Hopefully Mr.Trump Wins By The Largest Landslide Victory In American History! If Not, The State Of Jefferson Coupled With The III%’s, Will Begin Our Rise.

  5. I ama 74 year old pre-diabetic and absolutely (besides good diet) I was told by my doctors that I need a minimum of one hour of vigorous exercise. Every day for 10 years I control my diabetes A1C score with one hour of pool aerobics. A couple of weeks ago the government closed LAFitness where I used to go religiously daily. Then luckily I was able to use my Condominium pool here in Hollywood, Florida to daily to my own in-pool exercise routine where for sure everyone was practicing social distancing as required by the HOA. Then around April 10th the condominium closed the pool mentioning it was part of the governor’s newest order. THIS WAS FOR ME THE WORST NEWS SO FAR RELATIVE TO HOW THIS PANDEMIC IS HURTING ME. I now “try” to find a good “safe” place to walk for one hour daily. Before the local Hollywood Broadwalk was closed off entirely (roped offin addition to the beach) it was the ideal place to walk. I tried walking on the street but because I suffer from PTSD from a prior mugging, I am scared to walk the streets because there are two many bad looking people who dangerously violate the stay at home order.
    I am now suffering from a loss of energy and higher than normal blood sugar levels and deteriorating fast.
    Please help me and other diabetics with similar problems get pool access or gym access. Create special”social distanced” exercise programs for diabetics or seniors follow stricy important guidelines. I am getting worse everyday and am scared! I feel like I’m going downhill very fast and need this help to pull back up!!
    Please share this with all government officials including the governor of Florida. If the Corona Virus does not get me this situation will.
    Thank you!
    Scared Paul,
    Hollywood, FL

  6. Mason

    This whole virus shutdown is a left wing scam and it’s time the democrats must pay a crushing price which includes hard time in prison…the democrat party needs to be shut down as well…. they are domestic terrorists…

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