Abortions for blacks only?

That headline may seem like something out of the 1920s, when Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was trying to rid the world of what she considered undesirable human stock – including the handicapped, mentally ill and Negros of any kind.  She and her band of progressive eugenicists were pushing for abortions and forced sterilization of those they deemed unfit to propagate – and even live.  If this sounds to you disturbingly like the social philosophy of Nazi Germany, you are not wrong.  Sanger and her organization were in close touch with Hitler, who praised their efforts.

So, what is the deal with the headline?

Well it seems that a state senator in Ohio proposed that the new so-called “heartbeat law” limiting abortions not … repeat not … include African American women.  They should continue to be aborting their offspring at record numbers.

One might assume that such a proposal would come from some white supremacist who, like Sanger, wants to reduce the number of little black babies coming into the world.  That would make sense – wacko as it is.  It would be consistent with the genocidal underpinning of Planned Parenthood today – which places most of their abortion operations in poor minority neighborhoods and aborts black babies disproportionate to the population demographics.  While blacks represent 13 percent of the population, they account for more than 40 percent of the abortions.  It is the reason that Martin Luther King’s niece, Alveda King, campaigns so vigorously against the “services” of Planned Parenthood.

Of course, such an exemption would violate the Constitution, which requires that all laws be equally applied.  At least that is the general theory of it.

But hold on!  The proposal to continue to abort black babies was not introduced by some old white racist.  No. No. No.  it was introduced by Ohio State Representative Janine Boyd – a black female Democrat.  But what in God’s name could possibly motivate a black woman legislator to want to encourage the mass abortion of black children – exempting women from a law intended to protect the rights of ALL unborn human beings?

Boyd does explain her reasoning – although it does not make a lot of sense.  But here it is.  In urging her legislative colleagues to support her amendment, Boyd said:

“I consider the slave trade and how black slaves were once treated like cattle and put out to stud in order to create generations of more slaves.   I consider the how many masters raped their slaves. I consider how many masters forced their slaves to have abortions, and I consider how many pregnant slaves self-induced abortions so that they would not contribute children they had to this slave system. … And so, I ask you, with all of your values, to consider that and vote yes to this amendment.”

She wants to allow black women to have abortions because slave owners forced them to have babies “to create generations of more slaves” and because slave owners “forced their slaves to have abortions” in order to reduce the number of black babies.  Does Boyd’s reasoning suffer from a bit of inconsistency?  She wants to preserve the ability of modern black women to have abortions because 150 years ago slave owners made them have babies and … made them have abortions.  I just cannot get passed the head-scratching phase on that bit of reasoning.

She also notes that “pregnant slaves self-induced abortion so that they would not contribute children they had to the slave system.”  Does this mean that Boyd sees today’s black women having abortions as some sort of historic tradition — some sort of cultural ritual?

I only had one college course in logic, so maybe I am missing something – but none of that seems to explain why black women should be granted an exclusive right to abort their unborn children under circumstances in which the children of white, Asian and Hispanic women are allowed to live.  I would think that abortion, itself, draws a better comparison to slavery since both require the dehumanization of a person.  But that’s just me.

It is interesting that Boyd’s outrageous proposal did not get very much attention from the left-wing east coast media – which is quick to give such local stories excessive national coverage if the outrageous news can be made to reflect badly on the Republicans and conservatives.

Reflecting the fact that there is still a modicum of sanity on our political process, the proposed amendment to Heartbeat Bill did not get very far.  Whew!

So, there ‘tis.

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