One Step Closer to a Big Brother Society

As a means of facilitating safe travel in the future, it has been proposed that the results of your Covid-19 tests should be incorporated on a telephone app that would be used to allow you to enter a vehicle of public conveyance – a plane, train, bus, taxi.

It might also be used to enter government buildings, restaurants, grocery stores or just about any place else, other than grandma’s house – and maybe there, too.  You may have use it to go to work each day – a modern version of the old punch-in practice.

Like all ideas that tend to restrict our privacy and freedom – making us pawns of the state – it sounds good at first blush.  It is that classic example of the competing social forces of freedom and security.  And like all those notions, it begins in seemingly the most innocent of circumstances.

After all, making sure that you or I would not be a Covid-19 carrier could prevent the spread of the virus.  So, what could possibly be wrong with that?

Just about everything.

An app to serve as a ticket to travel is not only a bad idea on the face of it, but also another one of those left-wing slippery slopes that erode both our privacy and our freedom.

Since there are vaccines on the way, would we really have to have such extreme measures in the future?  I am sure that those on the left would say that IF it kept one infected person off an airplane or off the job, it would be worth it.  That is how they think.  They do not understand that freedom requires risk.

Of course, this would put your private medical information on the Internet – and available to anyone who may borrow your phone.  Furthermore, to have any validity at all, it you would have to be tested frequently – maybe every few days.  But that is not the worst part of this idea.

Once you can have an app legitimizing your right to travel in public based on Covid-19, there is no end of the information that could be required.  What if you were prone to have epileptic seizures?  What if you had Malaria?  What if you simply prefer not to be vaccinated – or are allergic to a vaccination?  What about people with clinical depression?  Are these folks too dangerous to fly?

And what about criminal records?  What if you were arrested in a bar room fight?  Should DUI’s be on an app on your phone to restrict you from entering a bar?  (I can already hear those on the left saying, “yes.”)  Perhaps a person’s entire criminal record should be on an app.

Then there is the question of employment.  Will you be refused employment – or even be terminated – for having HIV or not having certain vaccinations?

These questions may seem extreme, but we have seen the Big Brother mentality gradually restricting one freedom after another.  Making freedom dependent on apps forcibly imposed on your cell phone is disturbingly similar to the Chinese using modern technology to label individuals according to behavioral standards set by the folks in Beijing.

The proposed medical app on our cell phones strikes me as being another slide down the slippery slope of Big Brother top-down governance.

So, there ‘tis.

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3 Thoughts to “One Step Closer to a Big Brother Society”

  1. Judy basnett

    So what can the 70 million voters that reelected president Trump do since the left selected their leader. Should the states succeed? Perhaps we should split the US in half. Left and east coast to libs rest to the conservatives except Florida can join us.
    Trump is still my president. Will be for the next 4 years. Not china joe or commie harris.
    Thanks for what you do.

  2. NO Way The so called COVID 19 test is being misused; the developer and inventor of the test warned govt officials that it was not meant to be implemented in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The method and procedures involving the test have resulted in numerous false positives scenarios.
    Margaret Harks

  3. larry

    The problem with this is the fact that we have let liberal teachers have their way with the young. And they have brainwashed a large group with the idea that the government should do all your thinking for you because your to STUPID to be able to make good decisions for yourself! They have preached the lefts STUPIDITY as they have been told to by their “handlers” and achieved the level of “drones” the left wants! If the parents had been watching or had an interest in what their children were learning it might have made a difference. But most were more interested in keeping up with the “johne’s” and both working to that goal to really bother. And its worked on a lot of adults along with the obvious cheating of the democratic party to elect STUPID into an office he’s in no way qualified to hold! The major problem the democrats had with trump was his upsetting their “apple cart” and exposing the CORRUPTION that has been going on for many years! And this also lead to their CORRUPTING the election outcome and giving them open season on the people of our nation. Judges have ignored sworn affidavits to cheating-video proof of cheating DEAD people voting and FAKE ballots arriving long after the poles closed! Certain counties and states changing the rules of voting to insure this “BONE HEAD” was going to win. Any human being with a lick of sense KNOWS that this election wasn’t legal. But it seems “deep state” has some sort of extreme hold on all these judge’s and other so called officials to be able to openly STEAL the one job that was supposed to go to the only man since Kennedy that has cared about this country and accomplished many positive things while holding this office! I for one will never recognize this CHEAT or his so called party as anything other than CROOKS!

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