Cuomo Urges Biden to Use Inauguration Day to ‘Publicly Shame’ Trump

CNN Host Chris Cuomo

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo said this week that Joe Biden should use inauguration day to publicly shame President Donald Trump.

Cuomo spoke with Anthony Scaramucci, former Trump ally, who said that he didn’t think Trump would be able to resist attending Biden’s inauguration.

“He’s making a decision to go to the inaugural or not,” Scaramucci said. He also claims that he had spoken with friends who were still close with the president. “I predict he goes, Chris. I don’t see how he misses that. He’s an attention hog. He will try to make it about himself. And so my guess is he’ll end up at the inaugural and he’ll leave a lot of wreckage.”

Scaramucci also said that he thought the Trump presidency would probably spark conversation about a constitutional amendment that could limit the power of the White House.

“We’re gonna need something to check his power or to check a president like him, god forbid we get another disaster like this,” Scaramucci said.

“If he goes to the inauguration, Biden should point at him and speak to Republicans and say, ‘You deserved better than this,’” Cuomo replied. “He has left your party in shambles. I know the GOP. I know Republicans. I know what they’re about at their best, and I will be there for you restoring those virtues. I would point at his ass the whole time.”

Cuomo then said, “I don’t think Biden will do that because he’s better than I am. He’s going to try to move past that and the best way to do that is to ignore Trump.”

“Sometimes you need people like you and me to get in there and tell the truth and rough people up like this,” Scaramucci said. He then called Trump a “disaster” and claimed that he had not only hurt Republicans and the United States, but that he had damaged the United States’ reputation around the world.

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40 Thoughts to “Cuomo Urges Biden to Use Inauguration Day to ‘Publicly Shame’ Trump”

  1. nancy

    What an ass. This hatred is obviously due to the fact that Trump puts Americans first, as he should. and has accomplished amazing things IN SPITE of being barraged for four years. The election reeks of fraud; Biden should be disqualified due to this fraud!

  2. Pat

    Just another attempt to destroy the balance of power

  3. Cuomo murdered all those senior citizens and, is destroying N.Y.C., he is a fully self-consumed a-s that should be in getting the death penalty…..

  4. Billy

    I hope Donald Trump has the balls to not show up

  5. acbilly

    I hope Donald Trump has the balls to not show up

  6. Lynda

    Disaster? How? Trump has bettered the lives of middle class Americans with his tax cuts and helped small businesses by relieving them of burdensome regulations. He has brought unemployment down to the lowest levels – especially among blacks. He has closed our borders to illegals coming into our country. He has gotten out of disastrous organizations where the united states was footing the bills. After regan, trump has been the best president for our economic and security interests. Cuomo – you are a disgrace and a despicable human being. Why don’t Y0u go after your brother for killing all those old people in senior living facilities when he put COVID infected people in with them. Trump went all out and got us a vaccine in record time – none of Y0u democrats could have done that. 4 years of you liberals trying to undo an election and trump managed to get so much done in spite of you. Shame on y9u liberals an democrats for doing everything possible to destroy this country. Thank god trump was our president these last 4 years.

  7. MikefromTexas

    This guy goes on stage and foul mouths so Trump let him go and now hes anti Trump. Seems they all become anti Trump when they leave office.

  8. Pat

    Scaramucci and Chris CUOMO can bump asses. They are both attention grabbers and full of lies and hatred. They both know the truth about themselves which shows a very dark picture. Shameful and evil but time will prove them wrong. Scaramucci lasted 10 days in the administration because he had no sense. Chris CUOMO is on a fake news network. Both should tell you something about their character

  9. If anyone should be ashamed it’s the whole dummycrat party. They couldn’t an honest election because they know most people hate them and what they stand for.

  10. Geneva

    Cuomo and scaramucci are not fit for dog meat! Hatemungers and corrupt communist both need. To be shipped getmo with a life sentence ! God forbid them to rule our Country!

  11. I actual agree with Cuomo that the Republican party doesn’t deserve Trump. They are over run with RINOs that work for their own pocket books, NOT the American people. Trump has started another party of American people that understand all that he has accomplished for them. Check out

  12. You, Chris Cuomo, are a disgrace to your so called profession, & to the U.S. You imagine yourself as way more important then you are, hanging on to your brothers coat tails, like that makes you more credible- you’re Both totally insignificant little bugs. The President has done More for this country in 4 yrs, – then any have in decades. You all hate him because he’s Not a politician & won’t kiss anyone’s ass to get done what needs to be done. He’s his own man. BEWARE of the possibility of what might be coming, thx to the Dems & there stacking the elections. Will Never believe the Pres. lost honestly to those two dimwit, do nothings (but harm our country).

  13. God hating bastard buttfuck bolshevik s of the Democrat communist workers party you can’t expect human decency from these scum

  14. Of course he did. Cuomo is a despicable and hateful man.

  15. Mark

    Blanket dropping election ballots to every person and address on record without removing people who moved, became ineligible by way of loosing their civil right (committed a felony) or in fact have died, is in excusable. This is where the election fraud, violation and criminal attempt to control this election lies.
    Then waiting (stopping the count) to see how many more ballots are necessary to achieve victory and adding these post legal deadline.
    Voting should be made more difficult for electorates not easier for non-eligible and illegals.
    Biden knew this scam was coming. Killary did so as well. They even discussed this publicly.
    No reasonable person can tell me how Joe Blunder Biden could receive more votes the the lefts messiah Boho Obamma or evening Killary.
    The Deep State wants a One World Order and they are all getting richer by doing so. It’s about power and taking your money.

  16. Chris Cuomo is the ass in this whole situation he believes he’s better than everybody else maybe he should pump some iron that’s about all these good for him and his brother and she both go to hell where they belong because all they doing is the devils work his brother Andrew killed all the elderly and Chrissy and Andrew laugh about it absolutely amazing

  17. This Cuomo needs to wake up and smell the roses, instead of smelling swamp shit, or maybe his so full of it that probably all he can smell.

  18. Dump has been a SUCKER and LOSER his entire life. His supporters are a bunch of inbred low life inbred whose daddy is probably their uncle. Dump has never cared for trailer trash.

  19. Dump has been a SUCKER and LOSER his entire life. His supporters are a bunch of inbred low
    lifes whose daddy is probably their uncle. Dump has never cared for trailer trash.

  20. Cuomo and biden are idiots. No one needs to shame them, they do it to themselves every time they open their mouths. If you want stimulus money you will need to move to a country the Dems want to send our tax money to. Those countries have helped us soooo much.

  21. Cuomo & Scaramucci are both idiots. CNN sucks. President Trump is the best president ever. Cleaning up the swamp.

  22. The two of them are disgusting a-holes,especially Fredo

  23. Every time these bozos open their mouths, they’re “publicly shaming” themselves, but when you don’t have the brains enough to pour piss out of a boot, I guess you’re too stupid to realize that!

  24. Mark D"ambrosio

    Typical rhetoric from a journalistic hack! I wish that did happen as he wants, while they are showing a video behind the stage of the many things that President Trump has accomplished during these last 4 years – to make Biden and all the left leaning “news media”,along with Nancy, Chuck, Nadler, Schiff, Clyburn, and wonderful Maxine Waters, look like the the ridiculous jackasses that they are. Nancy, let’s wait until Dec30th next year to propose a budget! All that is wrong with our government!

  25. Todd

    Take your head out of your ass!!!
    Trump, has been doing exactly what we voted for him into office to do, I don’t care if you didn’t like it, for the Truth is President Trump, saved our Country after the shambles, and embarrassment that Obama, lead us through for 8 years. I know that should count another 2 years for his annoying 24/7/365 campaign on Television. Then with all his excuses he is still trying to sell his books, and any excuse that those Liberal Talk Shows have to keep fighting in city streets going they bring in their Hero Obama, who has increased the National Debt by dividing the Nation, ever since he was in Office and trying to crush the Nation while Trump, has been in Office.

  26. Jay

    Together Scaramucci and Chris Cuomo have the brain equivalent of a dead rodent!
    Both are so anti American they should be tried for treason and sent to gitmo!
    Together, neither is qualified to wash the President’s limo!

  27. Larry Bowling

    Cuomo really is off his rocker. He is the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to telling lies every time he is on camera at CNN. He has lied and harassed our president since before Trump was elected. He and his other lib media buddies cannot stand the fact that Trump could turn the economy into a roaring lion and also keep man6 of the promises he made. They also cannot stand the fact that Trump called them out publicly for their lies and false accusations.
    What a total idiot this guy Cuomo is!!!

  28. Usa

    That are both twats.And will b delt with.

  29. I would not be surprised if the little brother of Napolean 2 will be either fired or harmed badly from a good straight patriot He e needs to be very careful making statements like That!

  30. Kate butler

    Biden would never do that to Trump.
    That would be giving him attention which he seeks!
    Albeit negative.
    Illegals aren’t getting stimulus checks either
    So much b.s. on this site. You are just trying to rile folks up ! Print something positive. We dont give a rats ass
    if tRump goes to the inauguration or not!
    Hes Done!!!

  31. Brenda Jordan

    Liars! Trump is the BEST president the United States has ever had! DemonRats cheated to steal the election. Biden is the disaster ?

  32. Talking out your _ss.. you really get off on starting trouble. You need to go back to your basement too.?

  33. rottenrollin

    Are THESE the maggots supporting Biden’s jestful reconciliation program???

  34. rottenrollin

    Damn, I’d love to be there when the Cuomo’s get their just rewards.

  35. the only embarrasment here is the cuomo fmily. it is disgusting they show no respect for a president who put food on our table, never took a salary for the abuse he got for four years.
    biden will be in office for about six weeks and the two nuts will push him out, then see what becomes of this country. you people should really check your facts before opening your foul mouths.

  36. Art

    Cuomo. You and your dumbo brother are a disgrace to the human race. God will be your judge.

  37. Melissa

    The delusions of the Democratic Party are absolutely horrific! There is so much more I want to say but it’s just too much… All I can say is I feel bad for Joel because he is just a pawn for the Democratic lefties that are using him for their own political gain…sad just sad?

    But I am truly afraid of what’s going to happen to this country going forward.

  38. That cuomo is a joke. What a loser, the dems say they are going to unify this country? You have a moron like cuomo that likes to stir things up.

  39. Chrissy is a culo bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Cuomo should tried and convicted for Murder.

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