China to Buy America’s Farmland

China and the tentacles of communism have been slowly reaching into our nation for decades. I have previously written about the serious threat to our electrical grid and the infiltration into our system there. Apps like TikTok are ever present and remain available to influence our children and reach into our homes. Hollywood has long been consumed by the need to satisfy the Chinese market. This has resulted in the onslaught of awful films we see today that continue to ruin the American movie machine. Our music industry is another being eaten through the likes of Universal and others as well as the video game industry and all of the likes of the media.

We desperately need a massive shift back in the direction of the American dream, but another aspect of American life is under attack by the Chinese Communist Party that we do not speak of as much and we need to address just as well. This is our beloved American farmland. 

Here, China continues to advance not only into our energy resources, technology, schools, entertainment, media and homes, but also into our food supply. The good news is that they haven’t been as successful as you may think. And action is currently underway to stop this from progressing any further.

As of 2020, China controls about 192,000 acres of American farmland, worth about 1.9 billion dollars. This may sound like a great lot. But in comparison, Canada and countries in Europe own millions of acres of American farmland. Even all this together pales in comparison to the estimated nearly 900 million acres of total American farmland. The less than 200,000 acres of American farmland owned by China are but a sliver of what we and our allies still maintain. But if you ask me, China shouldn’t have its hands over a single inch of our agriculture here. 

H.R. 4356 (117) is a new bill that would block any new agricultural purchases by companies that are wholly or partly controlled by the Chinese government. It would also stop Chinese owned farms that exist from sucking out any support from our federal programs. This is exactly the sort of legislation we need to stand up against China. And we should bring the same sort of legislation to every single American industry in existence.

The new bill is actually seeing support from both sides of the aisle, with Republican and Democratic support. The measure will reach the House by the end of July. Let us hope that this bill moves forward with continued support and clarity, as well as inspires our leaders to continue legislation enacting laws to help the people of the United States stand up against the threats that the Chinese Communist Party pose against freedom and prosperity here. 

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5 Thoughts to “China to Buy America’s Farmland”

  1. Americafirst

    We all should be on the lookout for property that China buys and wen their crops are ready, burn them to the ground! Don’t let the damn Chinese take our land, rights and lives away!

  2. Elbee

    A lot of land being taken over by solar panel farms. Are these panels coming from China?

  3. Billy W

    They already own or are lead stock holders in many corporations here. Now they want the land ,people are only in for the money now. The selling of our nation must stop try buying in China or most foreign nation lots of luck there.

  4. Linda Shirey

    The Chinese are invading our country simply by being allowed to purchase businesses and land. When are we going to put an end to this invasion?

  5. Unfortunately we probably HAVE TO give it to them because we have borrowed so much money from China! Since 9/11 we have borrowed money from them (and the govt will never tell us how much they owe them!) and now we have a how many $trillion deficit????? We’ll be giving off MORE of our resources & products to pay them back!

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