The Growing Populist Revolt in Europe

The populist right and left have united across Europe in a massive revolt against the corrupt neoliberal world order. Working class Europeans of every political persuasion and age are in revolt. From France to Sweden, the U.K. to Germany, Belgium to the Netherlands, everyday people are taking to the streets to voice their discontent with the present neoliberal system – a corrupt system which has failed them. Similar protests have surfaced in Greece, Serbia, Croatia and to a lesser extent Hungary. You may be asking yourself just how the present…

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Will Pedophilia Bring Down the Pope?

For decades, sex scandals involving Roman Catholic clergy have been rocking the world’s largest Christian religion. What started out as isolated incidents in obscure parishes began to spread horizontally first across America and then across the world. It also spread vertically, embroiling the highest ranks of the Church as either actively engaging in salacious activities or covering them up on a grand scale. The suspicions and accusations stopped just short of the Pope – but that may be changing. Concern about pedophilia pederasty within the cloistered confines of the institutional…

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Supreme Court Rules Warrant Needed to Track Cell Phone Location Data

Late last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that government officials have to obtain a warrant in order to track an individual’s location data via cell phone records over an extended period of time. “In the 5-4 ruling, the court said police generally need a court-approved warrant to get access to the data, setting a higher legal hurdle than previously existed under federal law. The court said obtaining such data without a warrant from wireless carriers, as police routinely do, amounts to an unreasonable search and seizure under the U.S.…

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Most voters blame parents, not government, for child border separations

A majority of voters blame the parents of children who are separated at the border for the current illegal immigration crisis — not the federal government, according to a new survey. The results give an interesting look into how people feel about who is ultimately responsible for the immigration debacle, which is now playing out on television screens around the world. When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking…

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White House to Block Chinese Investment, Tech Exports

The Trump Administration this week announced plans to use a 1977 emergency law to block Chinese investment in US tech and to limit tech exports to China. More specifically, the proposal blocks companies with at least one-quarter Chinese ownership from purchasing US firms involved in “industrially significant technology” and seeks to limit the export of certain technologies to China. The two-pronged approach is specifically designed to stop China from accomplishing its “Made in China 2025” initiative to become globally dominant in 10 areas of technology by the year 2025. “The President has…

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