Biden Caught in Another Lie

There’s no doubt Biden will receive a majority of black voter support on Election Day. He is actually likely to get overwhelming support. Barack Obama received an astonishing 95 percent of the black vote in 2008 and 2012. But Hillary Clinton only got about 90 percent of the black vote and it cost her in key Midwestern industrial states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Biden is trying to prevent a repeat of history. He has been shamelessly pandering to blacks the entire campaign. With a mixture of fear-mongering and extravagant promises,…

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Leftist Judges Protect Drug Dealer Deportation

An immigration tribunal judge has ruled that deporting a convicted drug dealer from Nigeria would infringe on the European right to a family life. Conservatives declined to repeal this right, codified by the Labour-era Human Rights Act, as he has a “partner” and children in Britain. The Home Office, which is the government department largely responsible for law enforcement, border control, and immigration, managed to get this decision overturned by a second, more senior immigration judge on appeal. However, the convicted criminal is now back on top after yet another…

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Another Media ‘Bombshell’ On Trump-Russia is False

The UK government has ended an investigation into the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica and its affiliate SCL Group. They found inadequate evidence suggesting either worked illicitly with Russia to influence British and US elections. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) released its findings from the investigation on Tuesday, wrapping up a three-year probe and closing another avenue for allegations that Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election tilted results to President Trump. The findings also debunked assertions that Russian interference skewed the results of the British referendum to leave…

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Why the Media Doesn’t Ask Kamala Harris About Covering Up Child Sex Abuse?

Since the day Joe Biden named Kamala Harris (D-CA) his running mate, the mainstream media has described Kamala Harris as a “moderate” who is so wonderful she practically walks on water. Sadly, the media doesn’t vet Democrats, because if they did, they would have discovered Harris’ history as a prosecutor and her disturbing record as the San Francisco DA. She refused to pursue child molestation criminal cases against Catholic priests investigated by her predecessor. When the victims asked her for help with their civil cases against those molesters, the victims…

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The Media Has Completely Lost It.

The media called out President Donald Trump for taking off his mask when he got home, even though he was not around anyone and he was outside on a balcony of the home. The White House has already explained he is going to be quarantining off in a wing of the White House and there will be restricted contact with folks in PPE if contact is needed. Most people who have the virus are not hospitalized and they quarantine at home. But, of course, the media ignores that reality because…

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Pence vs. Harris – Who won?

Tonight was the first and last Vice Presidential debate, Vice President Pence vs Senator Kamala Harris. It was moderated by Susan Page from USAToday. It consisted of nine segments meant to be 10 minutes each. Note that I am thoroughly biased in my support for Trump, I will attempt to leave it behind to determine who won (my decision is at the bottom, so read all of this!). Environmentals – VP Pence was very calm and confident, he has a strong voice and was well prepared. In my opinion, Sen.…

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Not Being a Leftist Makes You a “Conspiracy Theorist”

Social media has been cracking down on content that it believes promotes “conspiracy theories.” But, is this really in the public interests? Or is it a form of censorship based on a left leaning political agenda? The most recent affront came when Twitter recently announced that many accounts spreading the content related to the positions of the right-wing group known as “QAnon” would no longer be welcome on its platform. Citing concerns about “offline harm,” the company explained that it would begin treating QAnon content on the platform differently, removing…

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Google to Block Political Ads Starting the Day After General Election

On Friday, Google announced that it will temporarily halt all political ads directly following Election Day in order to prevent premature claims that a candidate has won. Several states usually allow extended deadlines for mail-in ballots to be counted in the days following the November election. However, roughly 20 states are granting mail-in ballot extensions this year in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Swing states such as Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas, and Pennsylvania will all accept postmarked ballots that arrive after polls close. So, election night may not give…

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Sex Abuse Scandal Rocks U.N.

UNICEF on Wednesday became the third U.N. agency in less than 48-hours to begin an internal inquiry into allegations of sexual abuse of women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as claims of rape by U.N. workers threaten to engulf the globalist organization. The children’s fund said it was “appalled that people who identify as UNICEF workers have reportedly committed abuse against vulnerable women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” It added that once the internal inquiry is complete, “There will be serious consequences for any staff who have…

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The $88 Trillion World Economy In One Chart

The global economy can seem like an abstract concept, yet, as Visual Capitalist’s Iman Ghosh notes, it influences our everyday lives in both obvious and subtle ways. Nowhere is this clearer than in the current economic state amid the throes of the pandemic. This voronoi-style visualization from HowMuch relies on gross domestic product (GDP) data from the World Bank to paint a picture of the global economy – which crested $87.8 trillion in 2019. Editor’s note: Annual data on economic output is a lagging indicator, and is released the following year by organizations such as the…

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