Amazon’s Modern Day ‘Book Burning’ Campaign Against the Conservative Authors

In the last few weeks, Amazon crossed a dangerous and precarious line and began a modern day book burning campaign against titles written by authors from the populist right which have been arbitrarily deemed ‘politically dangerous.’

While the internet giant continues to sell books like Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto, Al-Qaida’s Doctrine for Insurgency: Abd al-Aziz al-Muqrin’s “A Practical Course for Guerilla War”, Leon Trotsky’s Terrorism and Communism, Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, The Anarchist Cookbook, the world’s largest bookstore banned Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam which was co-authored by British Activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin.

Despite scathing reviews, the book was ‘the No.1 best-selling exegesis of the Koran’ on the site. The book reportedly had over 1000 five star reviews that were left by verified Amazon customers in the last 18 months.

According to Mr. McLoughlin, the book was taken off the Amazon database sometime last month. This means that even second-hand versions cannot be sold. Amazon’s banning of the book comes just weeks after Robinson was kicked off Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

In the past year and a half, countless other conservative voices have been purged from these tech giant’s platforms.

In his novel 1984, George Orwell referred to this as the ‘memory hole.’ It’s just not enough for totalitarians to destroy their enemies. They must have them erased from history entirely.

Many other authors from the so-called political right have had their books banned. Too many to name here and now. However, a quick Google or YouTube search will reveal a whole host of banned titles from conservative authors.

As nationalist populist ideas continue to gain traction and enter into the mainstream political discussion in Europe and North America, we can expect massive globalist corporations and tech giants like Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others, along with the neoliberal politicians in their pockets, to continue to censor and ban the propagation of nationalist populist ideas. Their survival depends on it entirely since they lost the debate a long time ago.

If you would like to take action against Amazon’s censorship of conservative voices, please consider making one or more of the following actions:
• Share this outrage on social media
• Support government regulation of tech companies
• Complain to Amazon
• Boycott Amazon

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