The Yellow Vests Have the French Banking System in Their Sites

French protestors have now shifted their attention to the industry that pulls strings behind both the corrupt government and lying mass media – the banking or financial industry.

This is a pivotal moment in history.

As the ninth straight weekend of Yellow Vest protests approaches, the Gilets Jaunes have planned a demonstration outside the Rothschild Bank of Lyon on Wednesday night.

The Facebook event has suggested that more than 3,000 French Yellow Vest activists have expressed an interest in taking part in the protest. The people’s grievance stems from legislation having to do with France’s private banking system that’s more than 40-years-old.

Similarly to the US with its private central bank, the Federal Reserve, the French government must borrow money from its private central bank, the Bank of France, then repay the debt with high interest, which only serves to plunge the people of the country further and further into debt.

Like people who are aware of private central banking in the US, French citizens are wondering why their government can’t take control of the power to issue currency and do it interest-free.

It’s a legitimate question we all should be asking. Why must the governments rely on shadowy, private banks to issue a country’s currency with high interest when governments could do it themselves interest-free? It certainly would make every day working class citizens much better off.

People within the Yellow Vest movement have rightfully drawn connections between government, corporate media, massive profits made by banks, their tax avoidance, their interest charges on debt that’s created out of thin air, as well as other perceived underhanded behavior that international banking represents.

In addition to planned demonstrations, activists have also urged their fellow French citizens to empty their bank accounts to spark a massive run on French banks.

French boxer and Yellow Vest activist, Maxime Nicolle, recently took to YouTube and called on French citizens to withdrawal all their money from the banks. He called it the “tax collectors referendum.”

Political commentators and analysts have surmised that a coordinated run on banks could collapse the banking system in France, paralyze the country, and may even cause the euro to collapse.

American broadcaster, filmmaker and financial expert, Max Keiser, in a tweet said, “If every French person converted 20% of their bank deposits into Bitcoin… French banks and the government would collapse, and a lot of bloodsheds could be avoided.”

The world should be watching moves like this one made by the Yellow Vests closely, and if successful, they should be reproduced by working people around the globe.

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