Will age knock out any of the Democrat presidential candidates?

When I was younger, I feared that I might die young.  One day I woke up and realized I had become too old to die young.  I, like several of the candidates for President of the United States, have slipped into what I call the “red zone” of life – that time when anything can happen at any time. Since I am in the age range of several of the leading Democrat candidates, I have given serious thought to that issue.  It is almost a year until the next election. …

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Democrats Calling For Senate To Be Fair And Vote Their Consciences

House Democrats are about to impeach President Trump in the most partisan and shallow impeachment in American history.  However, they are already calling on their counterparts in the Senate to be fair and vote their consciences – arrogantly assuming that a conscientious vote would be for impeachment. The hypocritical narrative being played out all over the anti-Trump media is that the likelihood that the Senate will acquit Trump largely along partisan lines is some sort of travesty.  It has been assumed for three years – and accepted as fact for…

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Jonathan Lemire: Another propagandist of the press corps

According to his online biography, “Jonathan Lemire is a White House reporter for The Associated Press (AP) and a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News.” He cannot – and is not – both a reporter and an analyst for NBC/MSNBC. His frequent appearances on the latter prove it. As a reporter, you would expect Lemire to be objective and unbiased in his published accounts.  He would get and present both sides of an issue.  Get the facts and let his readers draw the conclusions. Instead, Lemire writes from his conclusions. …

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A fashion critique on looking like a President

In my many decades of advising political candidates – and other public figures – how to manage their public images, I have always placed some importance on “looks.”  How you message and what you believe are very important, the appearance of a candidate can either reinforce or distract from a good public image. Senator John McCain did himself no good by campaigning in tan pants and polo shirts.  He looked more like an Arizona retiree than the senior senator from that state.  On the other hand, President Obama, with his…

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Member nations increase support for NATO – Trump gets no credit

During his presidential campaign – and ever since his inauguration – President Trump has constantly called on the other members of NATO to increase their financial contribution.  At the time Trump took office, only three of the 29 NATO nations were meeting their agreed-to funding of two percent of Gross Domestic Product.  As with the UN, the United States was the only nation carrying a disproportionate percentage of the alliance budget. In typical fashion, Trump was pretty rough on our NATO allies.  He treated them like the deadbeats they were.…

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Democrats’ Great Hypocrisy About Personal Wealth

One of the evergreen characterizations of our two major political parties is that Democrats represent the poor and Republicans represent the rich.  Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren lead in the demonization of people with wealth – with the rest of the Democrat presidential field serving as the “MeToo” chorus (not to be confused with the Democrat feminist #MeTooMovement). While they castigate people with wealth, virtually all the Democrat presidential contenders ARE people of wealth.  When they condemn those contemptible “millionaires and billionaires,” they fail to admit that they are among…

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Gallagher case pits bureaucrats against elected officials … again

One of the things that endangers our traditional freedoms in America is the growing influence, power and even claimed authority of unelected bureaucrats – mostly provided with essentially lifetime appointments from civil service laws.  Bureaucratic decision-making is the infrastructure of authoritarians.  America was founded on the ability of we the people to establish our own policies through the power of ELECTED officials. The case of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher is yet another example.  Gallagher was accused by military prosecutors of murder and posing with an enemy corpse.  He was acquitted…

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Uno enters the political arena

America seems to be consumed … CONSUMED … by politics.  It has spilled over into every phase of American life. If you want to get away from political references and implications forget about sports. The NFL cleaves on patriotism.  The NBA on foreign policy. Forget about enjoying a few laughs.  The predominant subject of jokesters is politics.  Forget about the movies.  More and more of them are politically based or incorporate obvious political messaging.  Same for television shows.  If you are interested in news around the world, forget about our…

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The race card is not working … yeah!

While I have often wondered why so many black voters maintain allegiance to the Democratic Party in view of their long history – to this day – of oppression of black citizens. First it was slavery, then segregation and now the remnants of de facto racism in our major Democrat-run cities today. The race card is still being dishonestly played against Republicans by the hypocritical Democrats, but that is not the focus of this commentary.  It appears that the race card does NOT play well in Democrats intramural presidential politics.…

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McConnell should take his time with a Senate trial

After waiting and planning for the better part of three years, Democrats are now in a bit of a hurry to get President Trump impeached.  They had hoped to get it accomplished before Thanksgiving, but that deadline is no longer an option. They now hope to have it out of the six “inquiry committees” and into the Judiciary Committee – where it should have been in the first place.  And yes, there are technically six committees serving as impeachment inquiry committees – although the House Intelligence Committee, with California Congressman…

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